How Corona Brought Changes in Corporate Offices


Corona virus impacts on all areas of life, medicine, education, health and travel. The changes that this covid-19 has brought worldwide in corporate offices are considerable. When the world was at the peak of technology, the invisible covid-19 came and flipped the world with its stick.

The changes brought world wise impact technology on corporate offices is not just temporary changes. It is noteworthy that these are likely to be permanent changes. Let’s look at some of them.

  1. Work from home is practiced in most companies. Even the most important tasks, which were believed to be impossible to do without office, are still going on from home today. Statistics show that work is moving faster as employees avoid travel time and travel fatigue. Many companies have begun to wonder if working at home is permanent.
  2. All the things that you need to face-to-face and decide on the digital are possible. Recently, one company bought another company at a great price. Important meetings of companies are going on today via digital. Many video conversation applications are now available in market like Zoom, Google Meet, etc.
  3. Internet usage and Internet speed are becoming more important. Innovative companies in this area are starting to bang. Companies are therefore demanding that digital channels be broadcast and keep their quality at a medium level.
  4. More employment has been created for women. Women who left office because of motherhood, child care, and homework are likely to return to work and work from home. Even the most vulnerable and physically vulnerable people have the opportunity to work from home.
  5. Leadership traits have changed drastically. Leaders in need of balance of emotions, known as emotional balance, need to work with employees. In the metro cities for work, the situation where people are like bees will change in the future.
  6. Creating a working environment in the villages will improve the quality of life. Crowded cities will suffocate. The amount of pollution will definitely decrease. Various benefits will gradually emerge. Likewise, the corona era has broken the practice of traveling to many parts of the world to thrive. It is also true that many business trips will be avoided.
  7. Various new businesses will be created through this change. For example, the advent of mobile apps will only increase, and temporary workstations will be created, like old browsing centers. Digital companies will only grow online. The new digital business will spread even faster as the office does not need space.
  8. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, expressed concern that continuing to work from home could affect employees psychologically. The fact that lock-down has caused people to leave their homes can be psychological, but the fact that working from home after this lock-down does not root psychological damage is a major factor.
  9. People who think for resign or job change will slow down their decision for a variety of reasons, such as travel time, compulsory work restrictions, personal reasons, and poor office conditions, because work and life travel together in this new way.
  10. Cloud computing technology enables most information storage in itself. Most company leaders report that automation, IOT and robotics are moving at a much faster pace. The old technologies, known as the legacy system, which require direct monitoring, will be replaced by new technologies. As such, the need for software security, cyber security and information security will increase.

Mohan Subramanian

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