29 January 2022 Coming Soon 6G! When 5G Will Introduced And How Will It Be? Introduction Faster internet service is now a necessity. The news that 5G will be released soon has only been circulating for the last few months. But the answer to when is not... Categories TechNews
1 January 2022 Why the New Year Celebrated on January 1st? Introduction Every year we celebrate January 1st as the New Year The world is currently celebrating the New Year on January 1st, 2022. Do you know the history behind this New... Categories TechBlog
3 December 2021 Self-Service Program on Apple IPhone Devices! Introduction Apple has introduced a self-service program for the first time. With this unexpected announcement, you can get the original parts needed to repair your own Apple iPhone device from the... Categories TechNews
28 November 2021 What is a Cryptocurrency? Why Complete Ban on Cryptocurrency in India? Introduction Cryptocurrency can also be called digital money. The cryptocurrency system, a branch of digital money transfer, is practiced in various countries around the world. Cryptocurrency is also traded in India. But,... Categories TechNews
20 November 2021 Top 10 Most Used Passwords Worldwide! Introduction The list of the most common passwords for 2021 has been released. Take a look at the top 10 common passwords listed in this list. If you are a user of... Categories TechNews
16 November 2021 Virus On Your Smartphone! How To Find? Introduction It is inevitable that all gadgets with internet access will be infected with viruses. Malicious software has been used to access sensitive information stored on computers and smartphones, and to... Categories TechBlog
25 October 2021 How To Prevent Net Banking Theft? Introduction The number of net banking users is increasing today in the civilized development. Instead of going to the banks and transferring money, the public prefers to transfer money through the... Categories TechBlog
9 October 2021 Say Good Bye To Hard Drive. Welcome! DNA Storage Features. Introduction The time has come to say goodbye to hard drives and you no longer have to rely on hard drives to store your information. The reason is that a start-up... Categories TechBlog
26 September 2021 Whatsapp Payment! Introduction Whatsapp has recently launched its Whatsapp Payment feature for Indian users. This Whatsapp payment feature now allows UPI-based transactions like Google Pay and PhonePay, which are now in operation in... Categories TechNews
17 September 2021 Apple IPhone 13 Introduced. Let Check Price In India! Introduction Booking for the IPhone 13 models starts on the 17th of this month. The first smartphones will be delivered to customers on September 24th. Apple has introduced the iPhone... Categories TechNews