26 August 2023 Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023! Introduction A significant change in India’s approach to privacy and data protection is set to take place after the introduction of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023. Know your rules... Categories TechNews
18 June 2023 Happy Father’s Day 2023: Why do women like fathers so much? Introduction Do you know how many meanings are behind the word daddy’s little princes…? Father’s contribution in women’s life is huge. That’s why fathers are affectionate to their daughters. A person who... Categories Health
15 May 2023 Increase In Voice Scams Through AI Introduction Artificial intelligence has developed tremendously in a short period of time. While there are many advantages of artificial intelligence on one side, on the other hand there are increasing cases... Categories TechNews
14 April 2023 Do You Know The Reason Why Mobile Phones Get Hot? Introduction iPhones cannot install apps other than permitted apps. But Android mobiles can become overheated quickly when viruses or other apps are installed on them. As technology has grown, so... Categories TechBlog
12 March 2023 Bluesky Introduction The former owner of Twitter entering the field. A new app called BlueSky has been developed by Jack Dorsey. It is expected to be rolled out to Twitter soon. Who is... Categories TechNews
13 February 2023 ChatGPT to Help Lovers… Important Information Revealed in the Study…! Introduction From exam acing to new recipes, they can’t help but call ChatGPT to help them love. The time has come to crumple up the papers for Valentine’s Day, singing... Categories TechNews
12 February 2023 In just 5 days, ChatGPT’s Artificial Intelligence Technology attracted 1 million users! Introduction Chat GPT is an online (Online Chatbot) artificial intelligence software. That is, we obtain information on the Internet through Google search engine technology. But, this Chat GPT answers users’ queries in... Categories TechNews
15 January 2023 Can Be Charged From Human Body? Introduction What’s next in technology, flying cars, high-speed trains that travel miles in the blink of an eye, floating vehicles, all that we have read in fantasy movies and stories... Categories TechNews
11 December 2022 Watch Free Movies on OTT Without Paying Subscription? Introduction During the Corona pandemic, when the lockdown was implemented across the country and people were stuck in their homes, great changes took place in the world. Work from Home, which... Categories TechBlog
27 November 2022 Moonlighting is illegal..! Introduction While Wipro and Infosys have spoken out against the moonlighting policy, a senior executive at IBM India recently called the policy an unethical practice. While Wipro and Infosys have spoken... Categories TechNews