Top 10 Most Used Passwords Worldwide!



The list of the most common passwords for 2021 has been released. Take a look at the top 10 common passwords listed in this list. If you are a user of passwords 123456, password, qwerty that are easy for everyone to find and very easy to hack, then you are not the only person who uses this password. View the full list of the top 10 most used passwords in the world.

Top 10 most commonly used passwords worldwide

The top 10 most commonly used passwords worldwide are common words. The number one password is 123456 which are used by 103,170,552 people. In second place are 123456789 which are used by 46,027,530 people. In third place are 12345 which are used by 32,955,431 people.

Easy-to-use passwords

Similarly the term Qwerty is used by 22,317,280 people. The word password is used by 20,958,297 people, the number 12345678 by 14,745,771 people and the number 111111 by 13354149 people. Similarly, in the eighth place is the number 123123 which is used by 10244398 people. In ninth place is the number 1234567890 which is used by 9646621 people. The tenth word is 1234567 which is used by 9396813 people.

Millions of passwords

NordPass, a password management service in collaboration with independent researchers, has explored millions of passwords and announced 200 universally used passwords by 2021. The results are provided by analyzing data from 50 countries.

Words from popular games

Study results suggest that passwords are often linked to cultural references when choosing. Users choose words as passwords from every popular game in every country. For example, many people choose the names of football games. The word Liverpool is used by 224160 people in the UK. This is the third password. Similarly some football clubs use the name “Colocolo” 15748 people in Chile. It is in fifth place.

Passwords related to religion

Similarly, passwords related to religion are popular in some countries. For example, the 19th most common password in Nigeria is the word “Christ”. Similarly the Arabic phrase in the name of Allah “Bismillah” is used by 1599 people in Saudi Arabia. It is the 30th most common word.

Gender differences such as male and female

Similarly passwords are divided on the basis of gender differences such as male and female. That means women use love words like Sunshine, iLoveYou. Similarly, men often use sports-related passwords. Similarly the words “onedirection”, “Justinbieber” are also popular words among women. Likewise the term Metallica, Slipknot is very popular among men.

Pay attention to passwords

Passwords are a major component of many computer and network applications. Many of these choose vulnerable passwords that make their security questionable. All of these are vulnerable to online security threats. It’s easy to guess weak passwords like this. Passwords need to be handled with care and registered in a somewhat difficult manner.



Do not use names as passwords

Do not use names as password, especially the names of your parents, siblings, partner or pet. Also avoid using your car brand name. These should be easily identified and used by those around you. One of the mistakes that many people make in particular is to use their 10 target mobile number as a password and never makes it.

Do not store anything

Do not use birthdays, anniversaries, etc. as passwords. Consider never using the same password over and over again. Be careful not to use a password for everything and do not store it in anything in particular.

Mohan Subramanian

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