Say Good Bye To Hard Drive. Welcome! DNA Storage Features.

The time has come to say goodbye to hard drives and you no longer have to rely on hard drives to store your information. The reason is that a start-up company is creating DNA-based storage to expand the storage facility faster than SSD hard drive devices.
Which is the DNA based storage feature? Tell you what, you might think this is a Hollywood movie. But, this is the truth.
Strangely evolving technology much faster than expected
Technology is growing much faster than we expect. Scientists are carrying out many incredible sophisticated researches such as building a flying car, building a house on Mars, opening the door to immortal life without death, and resurrecting dinosaurs and mammoths that lived centuries ago. The use of this DNA storage is the result of such research. These are going to become the storage devices of the future.
Are we going to say goodbye to hard drives and external USB devices?
Tired of your usual storage methods and devices such as hard drives and external USB? Doesn’t worry folks, the time has come for us all to switch to DNA based data storage. We are going to create a database of your data using synthetic DNA and use a secure data storage application soon with unimaginable speed.
DNA storage service developed by Catalog start-up
This was made possible by a start-up company based in Boston. Launched under the company name CATALOG, the company claims that it will no longer allow you to store data through DNA. Co-founded by Hyunjun Park, the company seeks to develop Catalog DNA-based storage systems. It saves energy and, at a reasonable price, provides the most secure way to store data using synthetic DNA.
What is the difference between regular storage service and DNA storage?
Conventional storage systems such as pen drives and hard drives use more energy to process data and are also vulnerable to security issues due to less storage space. As a solution to this, Catalog has announced a $ 35 million Series B round fund to develop artificial DNA-based storage and computing tools.
Will this DNA service help secure data management?
The platform is also said to allow data management, data calculation and automation. techcrunch estimates that with this round of funding, the company was able to raise $ 60 million. In the past 2020, $ 10 million has been raised as part of the Series A round led by Horizons Ventures. It was also worth noting that it had previously earned $ 9 million in 2018 through the seat round.
Do you know what synthetic DNA storage called Shannon does?
This DNA storage is nothing new. In fact, it is worth noting that some researchers have been working on refining this for the past few years as well as the last few years. Catalog claims to have developed a custom DNA writer called “Shannon”. It is said to be capable of dealing with thousands of chemical reactions every second.
At what speed does this new DNA storage service work?
Catalog claims that the new DNA Shannon, at its full capacity, can write data at speeds of up to 10 megabytes per second. It does not seem certain that the technology will be commercially available soon. Initially, however, the company stated that DNA data storage would be used to detect fraud, especially in the economic field, and to detect flaws in the processing of photographs.
What is your opinion about DNA storage?
Let us know what you think about the new technology that breaks the barriers of data storage and computation in this new DNA system. Please Share your opinion on below comment!