World Cancer Day – Learn Most Common Cancers in Men!

Cancer is one of the most important diseases threatening the world today. Cancer is a disease that weakens us. It begins in any organ or tissue of the body and grows abnormally and uncontrollably beyond its normal limits and spreads to other organs. Cancer causes 9.6 million or more deaths each year.
The most common types of cancer in women are breast, colon, and lung, cervical and thyroid cancers (Breast, Colorectal, Lung, Cervical, and Thyroid cancer). Lung, Prostate, Colorectal, Stomach, and Liver cancer are the most common types of cancer of the lungs, prostate, colon, stomach and liver. World Cancer Day is observed on February 4 every year.
Awareness about cancer is going on all over the world but many of us are going around thinking that all of us will not get cancer, especially men. The disease is not known to both men and women and cancer is common to all. In this article we will look at cancer that affects men the most.
The most common cancers affecting men are:
Lung cancer
Although smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer, it can also affect non-smokers. Usually this lung cancer is a dangerous cancer. Both smoking and passive smoking can cause lung cancer. In addition, asbestos, radon, and arsenic gas can cause lung cancer. Some problems can be caused by shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough or problems with the airways. This may be a sign of lung cancer. Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding. Persistent pain in the chest and shoulders is also a symptom of lung cancer.
Prostate cancer
The most common type of kidney cancer in men is prostate cancer. In the early days the cancer was only seen in older men. However, it has recently started appearing in men between the ages of 40 and 50 due to factors including unhealthy habits, the impact of Western diets and unhealthy outdoor diets. Although the incidence of cancer in Indian men is low compared to men in Western countries, it is a matter of concern that this rate is rising significantly.
It is a good idea for men to get proper testing for any problems with the penis, such as irritation, itching, etc. in their urinary tract. Also, it is best to get a PSA blood test after the age of 35. If this prostate cancer is diagnosed early it can definitely be corrected. Specialized treatments for it are proliferating today.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is more common in women than men and has been portrayed as a disease of women. While there is a lot of awareness for women, there is something that men are not paying much attention to. Thus men should not be so indifferent as to not come to them. The first sign of breast cancer is a tumor in the breast. If you are an exerciser, you may think that you have gained fat through strenuous exercise. But it is important to make sure it is not fat or lump.
This is because breast tumors often do not cause pain. Be soft. Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly. “In the context of men’s breast cancer, hereditary factors are paramount, and there are a number of other factors on the list, such as smoking, alcoholism, and the environment in which children are exposed to high levels of radiation.
Colorectal cancer
Like all diseases, if the colon cancer is detected early, the chances of a cure are very high. But the strange thing is that it takes 10 to 15 years for colon cancer to grow slightly and reach the stage of cancer. People over the age of 50 are advised to get a colon cancer test once a year and seek medical advice if their family ancestor has the disease.
Obesity, smoking and inflammatory bowel disease increases the risk of this cancer for individuals. Factors such as family history of colon cancer, physical inactivity, age, low intake of high-fiber foods and high intake of processed and meat can increase the risk of this cancer.
Liver cancer
Liver is one of the most important organs in the body of mammals. Protein is produced in the liver. The food we eat is important for the biochemical digestive process. It is located in the right upper abdomen and below the diaphragm. Symptoms of liver cancer include jaundice, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.
Preventive measures such as controlling alcohol consumption, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, managing body weight and protecting yourself from being infected with the hepatitis B and C viruses can reduce your risk of liver cancer. Doctors recommend eating five or six small meals at intervals of about three hours. By doing so, your body gets enough nutrients, proteins and calories. This will reduce the side effects related to treating your liver cancer like nausea.
People with a family history of cancer need to be cautious. In particular, if you have a close female relationship, i.e. mother or sister had cancer; you are also more likely to be affected. Such people should not ignore any visible difference in the body.